Document Type : Research Paper



To achieve a sustainable society, it is necessary to recognize the levels of vulnerabilities versus natural risks and root the causes of socio-physical differences. Based on this, recognizing vulnerability and socio-spatial pattern of that is the base of policy making toward reducing vulnerability and increasing resiliency. The objective of this research is to evaluate and rank the levels of socio-physical vulnerability of Ardabil province counties versus earthquake. This research from view of objective is applied and from view of nature and research method is a descriptive - analytic study. The required data for the study has been gathered from the reports of population and housing sections of national census center. To rank the counties in terms of distribution index, TOPSIS and to express the relationship between variables geographical weighted regression (GWR) has been used. The results of research indicate that in terms of social vulnerability Pars Abad County is on the very high zone and Ardabil County is on the very low zone. In contract, in terms of physical vulnerability, Meshkin County is on the very high zone and Ardabil County is on the very low zone. The results of combination of social and physical indexes in TOPSIS model showed that, Ardabil County with score of 0.580 is on the very low zone and Meshkin County with score of 0.411 is on the very high zone of vulnerability. Finally analysis of geographical weighted regression (GWR) indicated that there is direct and significant relationship between population and vulnerability.


ه بٌثغ
 احذ ٳظاد، ٯحؼٲ. ) 1388 (، ٯذ ٩ ػبصٽ آػڀت دزٿشٽ ؿٺشٹب دس ثشاثش ص ٫ض ٫ٸ ٯ بٌ ٫ ٸٔ
ٯٶسدٽ ؿٺش صٳؼبٱ، ضؾبل زکتط جغطاف ب٘ ثط بًه ض عٗ ق طْ ثٸ ساٹٴ بٰٿپ
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