Document Type : Research Paper
1 Allameh tabatabaee university
2 allameh tabatabaee university
Tehran metropolis encounters different problems like many metropolises in developing countries.these problems including existence of different concentrations in it which has been the source of many problems. That subjects and ways always are proposed in direction of balance these negative consequences in political and scientific assemblies consequently . capital transferring is one of the cases that is addressed in order to decreased concentrations in Tehran metropolis frequently . but it has not been applied ever . In this research which is performed in descriptive - analytic way and also using documentary studies and interviewing with experts . therefore we want to pay attention to the value of administrative - political capital transferring policy by it’s effect on decentralization of Tehran metropolis . according to the research findings . it doesn’t seem that this policy can be successful to access the purpose of decreasing Tehran metropolis’s problems and consequently to be followed as a moderate policy in order to decrease the concentration in Tehran city and also to adjust the national imbalances . at the same time . we can assume more practical ways except capital transferring at national and Tehran metropolis levels which are effective in direction of balance the metropolis’s problems and even in
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