Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Sociology. The Center for Social Impact Assessment. Institute for humanities and social studies . (ACECR).Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Candidate in Sociology, Shiraz University. Shiraz , Iran


Leisure and recreation are an integral part of the daily life. Governments should provide a healthy environment to meet this need by creating recreational and cultural centers. This research tries to identify the possible effects of the construction of the city theater [before the action] by looking into the future. Therefore, this research seeks to answer the question, what effects will the construction of Karaj city theater have and how can we reduce possible negative effects and increase its positive effects? Is. The methodological approach of this research is a combination, and quantitative and qualitative methods were used to collect data and information. In line with the objectives of the research, the effects identified in 5 social, cultural, environmental-physical, economic and psychological dimensions have been categorized and the importance of each variable has been determined by using the opinions of experts (Delphi method). Cultural tension, the prolongation of the construction process, the presence of prostitutes, beggars and child labor, the change of design and the predominance of commercial use, the opposition of some institutions and organizations, the increase in the cost of construction and maintenance, robbery and theft, the increase in housing rent, air pollution and noise, gathering of criminals and mobs, monopolization of space for the benefit of a certain group and reduction of security, increase in hawking, quarrels and conflicts, and decrease in the sense of social belonging and depopulation of the neighborhood and decrease in citizen satisfaction has been identified as the risks of this project.


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