Document Type : Research Paper


Allameh Tabataba'i University



this article is to assess the social and cultural impacts of building the book parklet as a small, flexible and practical urban space in Fakhr Razi Street. Quantitative data has been collected through the survey method and using a a researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population includes all pedestrians who have used and commuted on this street. The sampling method was random and the sample number is 200 pedestrians. Also Another research method is qualitative ) thematic analysis(.The findings show that the construction of the project has the positive and negative impacts Such as the formation of the public domain, especially for the silent groups, the formation of social ties and collaborative actions, the formation of neighborhood and regional identity, increasing the participation of different groups, the feeling of belonging to the neighborhood, the improvement of nearby businesses, vandalism. Increasing traffic in the area and causing conflict with the local business.


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