Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Demography, Department of Demography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 2- Master's student in urban planning, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i Universit, Tehran, Iran



The present research was conducted with the aim of investigating the barriers to women's participation in the Reyhan Shahr Project of District 12 of Tehran Municipality. This research has used the qualitative method and grounded theory strategy. In-depth and semi-structured interviews with 35 participants were used to collect data. The results show that the identified central phenomenon of social reconstruction is structural heterogeneity in the mentality of activists; which is a set of background conditions including: preference of individual issues over neighborhood issues, role conflict and pressure, understanding of the municipality as a service to social institution, a set of causal conditions including: lack of positive feedback from previous plans, disproportionate information, unseen issues, Ambiguity of the Reyhan Shahr plan, lack of attention to the level of capabilities of the participants, idealism instead of realism, monetization of Reyhan Shahr, ignoring social contexts, being in the process of development, complexity at the beginning of the plan, complexity during the implementation of the plan, and technology complexity The design and set of intervening conditions including: unstable plans, institutional mistrust, contemporary organizational issues and powerlessness originate in the power ladder. As a result of the set of said factors, the opinions and constructions of the activists include the lack of belief in the effectiveness of the plan and the idea that Reyhan Shahr plan is a show. Policy proposals are included in the text.


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