Document Type : Research Paper
1 Faculty of Communication Sciences, ATU
2 Assistant Professor, Journalism Dept., Faculty of Communication Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
3 MA student
This article deals with the analysis of urban actors in social media and the role of these media in constructing the concept of the city and producing urban space. In this research, the analysis of Tehran as a complex metropolis has been done using Henri Lefebvre's "theory of space". For this purpose, after quantitative and qualitative analysis of the content of social media posts (Twitter and Instagram) related to the city of Tehran, using Mactor software, a prospective analysis was made about the relationships of the actors in this field. 10 groups of urban actors and four topics of urban goals and conflicts were identified and their relationships were determined in two matrixes of actor-actor and actor-goal. According to the findings, the group "Citizen and Non-Famous", "Mainstream Media", "Real Urban Management", "Social and Political Activist" and "Legal Urban Management" are the reinforcing and dominant actors with the most influence among the groups. Also, the three main players in the field of urban management, i.e. the accounts of "legal urban management", "actual urban management" and "urban management media" have the most convergence and considering the small distance between "councilors and citizen institutions" and the aforementioned groups, this group can be considered as an ally for the urban management complex. On the other hand, "social and political activists" have the most divergence among other actors.
Main Subjects