Document Type : Research Paper


1 Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of urban planning, facaulty of architecture and urban planning, art universitu of isfahan, isfahan, iran

3 Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Art Univrtsity of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

4 Master of Science - Civil Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran



The bazaar holds a special position in the Iranian city, functioning not only as the heart of the city but also as a reflection of the social, cultural, and economic dimensions of urban life. It serves as the backbone of the city's physical structure, connecting neighborhoods and urban spaces. Historically, it has structured the city's physical form, but modern urban lifestyles have changed its role.This research analyzes the bazaar's role in shaping the city's form and its impact on urban cohesion. The central question is: How does the bazaar contribute to urban form cohesion, and what would occur if it were removed from the historical core and its neighborhoods?This study re-evaluates the bazaar's role in Kerman's historical neighborhoods using space syntax analysis and Urban Network Analysis to assess physical cohesion and its position in the Iranian city.The results demonstrate that Kerman’s bazaar enhances the relationship between mass and space, promoting integration and connectivity, which is vital for the city's cohesion. Its removal would decrease network efficiency and increase spatial fragmentation. Neighborhood centers near the bazaar remained cohesive despite its absence. The bazaar's spatial connectivity is key to maintaining the city's structural integrity, making it essential for Kerman's historical identity. Strengthening the bazaar as a self-organizing system will support the growth and development of the city and its neighborhoods.


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