Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate , Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Tabriz, Tabriz,, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Tabriz, Tabriz,, Iran


The rapid expansion of cities and increasing traffic, coupled with the development of new technologies, has presented countries with unprecedented challenges. Traditional institutions and management methods struggle to adapt to the complexities of a rapidly evolving world. In response, urban planners are working to develop integrated models for 21st-century cities to meet emerging expectations. The concept of a smart city has emerged as a cornerstone of transformation and development in the third millennium. Urban transportation, in particular, has been significantly influenced by advancements in information and communication technology, including the Internet of Things (IoT). This study adopts an applied research approach, employing a descriptive-analytical method for data collection and analysis. Qualitative analysis was conducted using an open-ended questionnaire to identify key components and influential factors. Subsequently, a closed questionnaire was designed, and data were collected from 177 samples using purposive sampling and the snowball technique. The findings reveal numerous challenges faced by Tabriz, as a metropolis, in achieving intelligent urban transportation. Key obstacles include the weakness of integrated urban management, the absence of a clear vision, inadequate planning, limited financial resources, insufficient organizational structures, the lack of IoT-based intelligent systems, reliance on heterogeneous systems, and limited familiarity with IoT-based intelligent systems. These issues highlight the need for strategic interventions to overcome the barriers to smart urban transportation in Tabriz.
Keywords: Smart City, Barriers, Urban Transportation, Internet of Things, Tabriz.
Extended Abstract


The proportion of the global urban population has been steadily increasing over the past century. In 1900, approximately 13% of the world's population lived in urban areas, a figure that surged to 60% by 2020. This rapid urbanization has often outpaced the development of urban infrastructure, placing immense pressure on cities and resulting in various undesirable consequences. Traditional governance structures and management methods have struggled to keep pace with the swift changes brought about by urbanization, prompting urban planners to devise integrated models that address the multifaceted challenges of 21st-century urban development. Alongside the acceleration of urbanization, globalization has also gained momentum, positioning cities as the economic and social hubs of the world. Advanced information and communication technologies are reshaping these urban centers, and the concept of the smart city has emerged as a critical framework for transformation and development in the third millennium. The growing number of vehicles and increasing traffic volumes, combined with the advent of new technologies, has introduced complex challenges for urban transportation systems. These systems, which are vital components of smart cities, are increasingly influenced by innovations such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and the broader processes of urban smartization. The integration of these technologies into transportation systems enables prediction, planning, and management aligned with urban development goals. However, in many developing countries, traffic management continues to rely on traditional methods, presenting a significant barrier to progress. In Iran, the history of smart transportation systems dates back to the adoption of basic technologies such as intersection control lights. However, the transition from traditional systems to fully smart transportation systems has encountered numerous obstacles. These challenges threaten to undermine the broader vision of building smart cities and have left the country lagging behind in the smartization process. This study aims to address these issues by focusing on the city of Tabriz. The primary research questions are: What are the most significant obstacles to the realization of smart transportation in Tabriz based on the Internet of Things platform? And how can these obstacles be prioritized? The research seeks to identify, explain, and prioritize these barriers, providing a comprehensive framework for overcoming the challenges to smart urban transportation in Tabriz.

Literature Review

Goodarzi, Majid, et al. (2019), in their article titled "Investigation and Analysis of Barriers to Smart Transportation in Ahvaz," emphasize that identifying barriers to transportation development across various dimensions is a critical strategy for advancing transportation systems in Ahvaz, with smartization being a key focus.
Amirpour Kalmeh, Hamid Reza (2017), in the article "Investigation of Smart Transportation Using Internet of Things Technology in Smart Urban Networks," highlights the growing role of intelligent transportation system (ITS) technologies in this domain and provides an in-depth exploration of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the context of smart transportation systems.
Firouzi, Arash (2017), in "Application of Internet of Things in Urban Transportation," underscores the transformative potential of IoT, suggesting that when objects can digitally represent themselves, they transcend their physical limitations, creating what can be termed a "smart environment."
Jafari, Mohammad, et al. (2019), in the article "Investigating the Impact of the Internet of Things, Big Data, etc. on the Development of Smart Cities," argue that traditionally designed cities face challenges such as traffic congestion, pollution, poor communication, and declining quality of life. They propose that smart cities, by leveraging sensor networks and IoT-enabled databases, provide an effective infrastructure to address these issues.
Ebrahimi, Nahid, et al. (2019), in "Investigating the Impact of the Internet of Things on Transportation in Metropolitan Cities," reiterate that IoT facilitates a network in which objects communicate seamlessly, enabling the creation of interconnected and efficient transportation systems.
Sihu Zhang (2017), in his doctoral thesis at Tallinn University titled "The Role of Information and Communication Technology for the Development of Smart Cities," explores the role of information and communication technology (ICT) components in advancing smart city design.
Xiaofeng Zhi (2018), in the technical report "IoT Applications for Creating Smart Transportation Systems," examines the critical applications of IoT in smart transportation, including smart vehicles and intelligent traffic management systems.
Mariana Daniel (2020), in "Smart Cities Based on IoT Technology Applications," discusses how advancements in technology have facilitated the integration of IoT into smart urban environments, significantly enhancing urban functionality.
Bulent Yildiz (2021), in "Internet of Things and Smart Cities," addresses the fundamental issue of implementing information technology, particularly IoT, as a solution to challenges faced by traditional cities.
Esma Aytovalan (2021), in "A Review of Traffic Management Solutions Based on IoT and AI," examines the challenges of urban traffic management and advocates for the intelligent and efficient application of IoT and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.
Faisal Shahzad et al. (2021), in "Future Smart Cities: Requirements, Emerging Technologies, Applications, Challenges and Future Aspects," analyze the technological advancements required for smart cities, emphasizing that these advancements form the foundation of smart urban development.
Manav Bansal (2022), in "Smart City, Vehicle Versatility Using IoT," contends that IoT-based smart city frameworks represent a modern approach to overcoming the challenges inhibiting urban development.


This research is applied in its purpose, descriptive-analytical in its approach to data collection and analysis, and adopts a mixed-methods design, in corporating both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. In the qualitative phase, thematic analysis was conducted using Maxqda software, while in the quantitative phase, confirmatory factor analysis was performed utilizing Smart PLS software to determine the impact coefficients of various factors and prioritize the identified obstacles. Data collection tools varied across the two phases: open-ended questions were employed in the qualitative segment, whereas closed-ended questions were utilized in the quantitative phase. The statistical population included academics, managers, and experts in the fields of urban planning, transportation, and information technology. Given the indeterminate size of the population, a purposive sampling method combined with the snowball technique was applied, continuing until theoretical saturation was achieved.


4-1- Qualitative findings:
As outlined in the research methodology, the statistical population comprised professors, managers, and experts in the fields of urban planning, transportation, and information and communication technology. Given the indeterminate size of the population, a purposive sampling method combined with the snowball technique was employed, continuing until theoretical saturation was achieved. Through documentary and library research, key drivers and obstacles (categories and components) were identified. Subsequently, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 12 experts, and the collected data were reviewed, extracted, and coded using Maxqda software. This process led to the identification of seven primary categories as the most significant drivers and obstacles to smart urban transportation in the studied area: policy and planning, economic and investment, security and legal, physical, managerial and organizational, cultural and social, and technical and technological.
4-2- Quantitative Findings
Quantitative Findings: The qualitative analysis identified seven primary categories and 96 sub-components as the most significant drivers and obstacles to the smartization of Tabriz's urban transportation. To assess content validity (CVR), an initial questionnaire comprising these 96 components was designed and completed by 12 experts. Components with a CVR value exceeding 0.56 (indicating a high impact coefficient) were retained, resulting in a secondary questionnaire with 56 components. Subsequently, employing a purposive sampling method combined with the snowball technique, 177 responses were collected from the statistical population. The data were then coded and analyzed using Smart PLS software.


An analysis of reliability and validity for the identified constructs revealed that the managerial-organizational and cultural-social variables exhibited the highest levels of reliability and validity, whereas the security-legal variables demonstrated the lowest levels. Furthermore, based on the path coefficient analysis conducted using Smart PLS software, the managerial-organizational and cultural-social variables were identified as having the highest impact coefficients. In contrast, the physical and economic-investment variables were found to have the lowest impact coefficients on the smartization of the Tabriz urban transportation system.


The findings of this research indicate that various qualitative and quantitative factors significantly influence the advancement of smart urban transportation. Qualitative analysis identified seven key categories as critical obstacles: cultural-social, economic-investment, technical-technological, managerial-organizational, policy-planning, physical, and security-legal. Quantitative analysis revealed that these variables contributed differently to the smartization of Tabriz’s urban transportation system on the Internet of Things (IoT) platform. The economic-investment variable exhibited the highest adjusted average factor loading (0.90), followed by policy-planning (0.88), technical-technological (0.87), managerial-organizational (0.86), physical (0.84), security-legal (0.83), and cultural-social (0.83).
The research further highlighted that the Information and Communication Technology Development Index (IDI) and Internet access and utilization indicators in the study area were slightly below the national average. This underscores that the smartization of urban transportation in Tabriz is contingent upon improving the IoT infrastructure and overall technological readiness. To address these challenges and enable smart urban transportation in Tabriz, several strategies are recommended. These include:

Conducting a comprehensive SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to smart urban transportation on the IoT platform.
Installing smart sensors at intersections, streets, and high-traffic areas.
Increasing the deployment of traffic and monitoring sensors and conducting environmental analyses at intersections.
Expanding the fiber optic network and enhancing Wi-Fi, 4G, and 5G internet coverage.
Launching systems such as automatic accident diagnosis, moving balance monitoring, and traffic management software.
Developing advanced software for forecasting and planning, parking management, and public transportation management.
Activating smart emergency response systems (SERS), traffic signal control systems, and Variable Message Signs (VMS), while reviving inactive systems.
Strengthening integrated urban management by aligning policies, resolving existing conflicts, and setting clear, common objectives.

These initiatives are essential for overcoming existing obstacles and facilitating the smartization of Tabriz's urban transportation system through the IoT platform.
We extend our deepest gratitude to the managers and experts of the Deputy for Transportation and Traffic, the Architecture and Urban Development Department, the Statistics and Information Technology Organization of Tabriz Municipality, the Head of the Provincial Internet of Things Committee, and the esteemed individuals from knowledge-based companies such as AFTA. Your invaluable support in providing information and offering constructive guidance has been instrumental to the success of this research.


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استناد به این مقاله:  اسمعیلی، اکبر.، قربانی، رسول.، محمودزاده، حسن. (1403). تحلیلی بر چالش‌ها و موانع حمل‌ونقل شهری هوشمند در کلانشهر تبریز بر بستر اینترنت اشیاء،  فصلنامه برنامه‌ریزی توسعه شهری و منطقه‌ای، 9(31)، 185 -219. DOI: 10.22054/urdp.2024.78634.1623
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