نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشیار گروه شهرسازی، دانشگاه گیلان، رشت، ایران

2 دانشجوی دکتری رشته شهرسازی، دانشگاه گیلان، رشت، ایران

3 کارشناسی‌ارشد برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه گیلان، رشت، ایران

4 کارشناسی‌ارشد برنامه‌ریزی منطقه‌ای، دانشگاه گیلان، رشت، ایران


امروزه بخش بزرگی از رفتارهای محیط زیستی شهروندان تحت تأثیر ارتباط و میزان دلبستگی آن‍ها با شهر است. به‌طوری‌که دلبستگی به مکان و شهر مؤلفه‌ای حیاتی در پرورش شهروندان حامی محیط‌زیست محسوب می‍گردد. پژوهش حاضر از نوع توصیفی- کمی می‍باشد. جهت جمع‍آوری اطلاعات باهدف سنجش تأثیر میزان دلبستگی به شهر و همچنین خصوصیات فردی شهروندان، بر بروز رفتارهای حامی محیط زیستی در میان شهروندان، تعداد 402 پرسشنامه از طریق ساکنین شهر رشت تکمیل شده است. داده‍های به‌دست‌آمده از پرسشنامه‍ها به‌صورت کمی وارد نرم‌افزار SPSS شده و سپس با استفاده از نرم‌افزار Smart PLS3 به مدل‌سازی و تجزیه‌وتحلیل یافته‍ها پرداخته شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که برخلاف انتظار رابطه تأثیرگذاری میان شاخص‍های دلبستگی فردی به مکان، محل تولد، مدت سکونت و میزان تحصیلات بر رفتارهای حامی محیط زیستی شهروندان، وجود ندارد؛ اما از سوی دیگر نتایج مدل‌سازی نمایانگر این موضوع بود که در گام نخست رفتارهای حامی محیط زیستی شهروندان بیش‍ترین ارتباط و اثرپذیری را از دلبستگی اجتماعی شهروندان با مکان یا شهر دارند. سپس در گام بعدی تعدادی از ویژگی‌های فردی شهروندان ازجمله سن و وضعیت تأهل نیز بر رفتارهای حامی محیط زیستی شهروندان تأثیرگذار می‌باشد و رابطه مستقیمی میان آن‌ها برقرار است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Analyzing the Influence of Place Attachment on Citizens' Environmental Protection Behaviors: A Case Study of Rasht City

نویسندگان [English]

  • Aliakbar Salaripour 1
  • Arman Hamidi 2
  • Alieh Faridi Foshtomi, 3
  • Amir Hosein Nourbakhsh 4

1 Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran

2 PhD candidate of Urban planning, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran.

3 Master of Urban Planning, Guilan University, Department of Urban Planning, Rasht, Iran

4 Master of Regional Planning, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran

چکیده [English]

Nowadays, a significant aspect of citizens' environmental conduct is intertwined with their connection and emotional bond to the city. This attachment to the urban environment is regarded as a critical element in fostering environmentally conscientious citizens. The present research adopts a descriptive-quantitative approach. A total of 402 questionnaires were completed by residents of Rasht city to collect data, aimed at assessing the influence of city attachment levels and personal characteristics on the manifestation of environmentally supportive behaviors among citizens. The data gathered from the questionnaires were then quantitatively inputted into SPSS software for modeling and analysis, subsequently employing Smart PLS3 software. The research findings, contrary to initial expectations, indicate a lack of significant correlation between indicators such as individual place attachment, city of birth, duration of residence, and educational level, and the environmentally supportive behaviors exhibited by citizens. However, the modeling results reveal that, initially, the environmentally supportive behaviors of citizens are most closely linked to and impacted by their social attachment to the city or place of residence. Subsequently, certain personal characteristics of citizens, including age and marital status, were found to directly influence these environmentally supportive behaviors, indicating a significant relationship between them.
Keywords: Attachment to Place, Pro-environmental Behaviors, Social Attachment to Place, Rasht.


The concept of place attachment, denoting the emotional bond individuals develop with a specific location, encompasses positive emotional sentiments, cognitive thoughts, and behavioral inclinations that evolve over time, reflecting individuals' interactions with their social-physical surroundings, from birth throughout their lives (Bischoff, 2022: 7). Place attachment can manifest across various environmental scales, including the home, neighborhood, urban area, or city (Belanche et al., 2016: 77). While some scholars emphasize place attachment as a significant and influential factor in shaping environmental behaviors, contradictory findings in several studies suggest an uncertain relationship between place attachment and pro-environmental behaviors. It is noted that different dimensions of place attachment may exert varying levels of influence (Junot et al., 2018: 49).
From a scholarly perspective, this research contributes to advancing knowledge in environmental psychology by examining the factors that impact pro-environmental behaviors. In practical terms, the study offers valuable insights for urban and environmental managers and planners concerning the needs, expectations, and behaviors of Rasht citizens regarding various urban and environmental spaces. This information can aid in devising and implementing appropriate programs and policies aimed at preserving and enhancing the urban environment while also enhancing citizens' satisfaction with their preferred locales.

Literature Review

The results of numerous empirical studies consistently indicate the significance of place attachment and community attachment in shaping concerns and pro-environmental behaviors (Buta et al., 2014: 3). For instance, Halpenny (2010) investigated the influence of place attachment on pro-environmental behaviors through structural modeling, affirming the substantial impact of place attachment on intentions for environmental actions.
Ramkissoon and colleagues (2013) argued that place dependence and place identity possess distinct psychological characteristics, leading to differing effects on well-being and overall environmental behaviors, sometimes even contradicting each other. Hence, researchers must consider the multifaceted dimensions of place attachment and their implications for pro-environmental behaviors, as place attachment encompasses social and cultural attachments beyond identity and dependence alone (Junot et al., 2018: 51). In a similar vein, Song and Supramaniam (2019) explored the specific aspects of place attachment that play a more significant role in promoting various pro-environmental behaviors. Their findings highlighted the greater influence of social attachment over individual attachment on pro-environmental behaviors.
In another study, Soleimani and colleagues (2020) investigated the impact of different components of place attachment on social participation in environmental conservation in Tehran. Their research revealed that 36 percent of the positive changes in citizens' environmental engagement could be attributed to components related to identity and dependence in place attachment, with the identity component exerting a more substantial influence than the dependence component.


The current study adopts a descriptive-quantitative approach to address research issues, with an applied objective. Data collection involved surveys and document analysis. The questionnaire comprised four sections: personal characteristics, individual place attachment, social place attachment, and pro-environmental behaviors of citizens, each containing relevant indicators. A total of 402 online questionnaires were distributed to citizens and residents of Rasht. The data from these surveys were quantitatively inputted into SPSS software. Initial validation of the questionnaire was conducted through examination of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, indicating strong internal reliability and trustworthiness with a value of 0.92. Subsequent modeling and analysis of the findings were performed using Smart PLS3 software. Reliability methods (including composite reliability, Cronbach's alpha, and average variance extracted) and validity methods (such as confirmatory factor analysis, and convergent and discriminant validity) were employed to assess the collected data.


Based on the results gleaned from the questionnaires, the "individual place attachment" index exhibited the highest average score of 4.01, ranking first. It was followed by the indices of "citizens' pro-environmental behaviors" and "social place attachment" with averages of 3.48 and 3.25, respectively. Notably, the statement "I often participate in local projects and activities" received the lowest average score of 2.23, while "interest in the traditional native culture of this city" received the highest average score of 4.17 among the statements.
Furthermore, examining the factors of individual place attachment revealed that the factor "I consider Rasht a part of my being" had the highest coefficient of overlap at 0.912, indicating strong attachment. Conversely, "living in Rasht defines various aspects of my personality and identity" showed the least overlap with a coefficient of 0.764. Regarding social place attachment, the factor "I love the native culture and tradition of this city" exhibited the highest overlap coefficient at 0.817, highlighting the significant role of culture in fostering attachment. Conversely, "I participate in the city's social programs" had the least overlap with a coefficient of 0.644. Among citizens' pro-environmental behaviors, "I often talk about environmental issues with my friends" showed the highest overlap with a coefficient of 0.798, while "attention to vehicle pollution standards and fuel consumption when buying" had the least overlap at 0.676.
Moreover, analyzing individual characteristics indicated that age had the highest coefficient of overlap at 0.949, followed by marital status at 0.830.
In terms of the structural equation model employed in the research, the independent indices were able to predict 36.8 percent of the variance changes in the dependent index. Notably, the index of social place attachment exhibited the most significant impact on the dependent index with a coefficient of 0.575, followed by the index of personal characteristics with a coefficient of 0.193. Conversely, the index of individual place attachment, despite its inverse relationship, had an insignificant and negligible impact on citizens' pro-environmental behaviors, indicated by a coefficient of -0.013.


The findings of this study underscore the influence of various individual characteristics, such as age and marital status, on citizens' pro-environmental behaviors, indicating a direct correlation between these factors. Notably, married individuals demonstrate a greater concern for the environment compared to their single counterparts. Similarly, the research reveals that as individuals age, they tend to exhibit more environmentally supportive behaviors, underscoring heightened environmental awareness and action among middle-aged and older demographics compared to younger age groups.
Furthermore, the research highlights a noticeable lack of social interactions among citizens, particularly a deficiency in civic participation within the city. This lack of social engagement stands as a primary impediment to fostering stronger social attachments among citizens. Addressing this challenge necessitates a focused approach aimed at enhancing citizens' social attachment to their environment. This can be achieved by creating conducive urban spaces designed to facilitate greater interpersonal interaction. Additionally, leveraging citizen input and perspectives to bolster their involvement and collaboration with urban management can significantly contribute to shifting attitudes and fostering a heightened sense of responsibility toward the urban and surrounding environment.
Moreover, providing financial support and resources to non-governmental organizations operating in the environmental sector can serve as a pivotal and impactful measure in driving positive changes in citizens' attitudes and behaviors, ultimately leading to a more environmentally conscious and engaged populace.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Attachment to Place
  • Pro-environmental Behaviors
  • Social Attachment to Place
  • Rasht
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استناد به این مقاله:  سالاری پور، علی‌اکبر.، حمیدی، آرمان.، فریدی فشتمی، عالیه.، نوربخش، امیرحسین. (1403). بررسی تأثیر دلبستگی به مکان بر رفتارهای حامی محیط زیستی شهروندان (مطالعه موردی: شهر رشت)،  فصلنامه برنامه‌ریزی توسعه شهری و منطقه‌ای، 9(29)، 1 -38. DOI: 10.22054/urdp.2024.76342.1597
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